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  • Writer's pictureDon Francis

How To Grow Photinia Carre Rouge?

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

How To Grow & Care For Photinias

It is expected to reach a final height of 2.5m and spread of 2.5m and is said to take 10-20 years to achieve this.

This piant currently measures around 70cm height and 48cm spread.

It prefers a moist but well drained soil that is acidic or neutral.

Keep the area around the base of the plant free from weeds and grass.

It has a hardiness rating of H5 meaning that it is hardy in most places in the UK even in severe winters tolerating temperatures

between -15 and -10 °C.

Photinia Carre Rouge: A Versatile Plant

As mentioned before it is an evergreen plant that has glossy green leaves all year round with new growth that turns bright red in Spring.

A photinia is a low maintenance hardy evergreen that is has stunning red foliage making it attractive in borders or used as hedging or screens.

It is a very versatile plant, and can be grown alone in containers, as a hedge against a wall or fence.

How To Care For Photinia Carre Rouge

Once it is established a Photinia Carre Rouge will more or less look after itself.

It rarely requires watering and will tolerate moderate drought, and will grow on average ground without the need of any additional feeds.

For younger plants though up to two years old, it is best to water if the conditions become dry.

Also it will need pruning once or twice a year to keep it's shape and size depending on your location.

Photinia Carre Rouge

Carre Rouge is a compact and upright, evergreen shrub that has glossy leaves, that are bright red when young, but then turn dark green when mature.

  1. Height & Spread: 2.5m x 2.5m

  2. Position: In sun or partial shade on welldrained soils.

  3. Planting: Soak the root-ball before planting. Plant in a hole twice the diameter of the rootball or pot. Mix an organic soil improver and general fertiliser with the infill soil. Water regularly until established.

  4. Aftercare: Clip in early Summer to encourage fresh young red foliage.

Where to shop Photinia Carre Rouge in UK

Finding the right hedge for your garden can be a challenge. Hedges ready to go anytime, anywhere. The online home of quality Photinia Carre Rouge instant hedging for gardeners

  • HedgePlants Website-

  • Readyhedge Website-

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